With UpSeller ERP you can obtain product informations such as the title, descriptions, imagens, variants, etc. from other sellers or platforms. In this way, there is no need to manually save or copy pictures individually, writing the description or filling other informations, simplifying your work.
Currently, you can import from the following 6 mainstream e-commerce platforms in Latin America: Shopee (MX, BR, AR, CA, CL), Mercado Libre (MX, BR, AR, CA, CL), B2W (Americanas, Empresas americanas, Shoptime, Submarino), Amazon (MX, BR, US), Aliexpress, Alibaba.
For faster and more efficient use, we recommend you to install the plugin, which can find it through the Chrome Store.
Installation address
Publish Products Tutorial: Import Products-Copy Products to Stores-Edit Products-Publish Products
1) Move the cursor to "Product" and click "Import list"
2) Enter the link
3) Select and copy to stores
4) Edit Products
★ After clicking Edit in the drafts, it comes to the interface of the Match category (as shown in the figure below), which is used to match the platform's category of your import list with the category of the Shopee platform, the next time when the user collects the same category again, while the product of the category is selected, the system will automatically fill in the corresponding category. The user only needs to manually select a category for the first operation.
1. Currently, the system only supports listings in text format. For example, the picture description from Aliexpress cannot be collected and needs to be edited manually.
2. Please modify some of the imported information to prevent them from being removed by the platform.
5) Publish products